First sampling in the pilot plants of Almería (Spain)

First sampling in the pilot plants of Almería (Spain)

Last Friday, the first sampling was carried out in each of the pilot plants installed in Alboloduy, Benizalón and Tahal (Almería). Physical-chemical parameters will be analyzed, such as iron, manganese, dissolved oxygen, etc. and radiological parameters such as the...
Completed the installation of the three pilot plants

Completed the installation of the three pilot plants

Pilot plants are already installed in three provinces of Almería: Tahal, Alboloduy and Benizalón. Once the installation phase has been completed, the start-up of the pilot plants has been initiated. Last week, it has been begun to filter water. Pilot plant...
Interview on the UAL Ecocampus Radio program for World Water Day

Interview on the UAL Ecocampus Radio program for World Water Day

The program “Ecocampus Radio of the University of Almería” has interviewed our partner, Francisco Javier Martínez from Diputación de Almería, on the occasion of World Water Day (22th March). During the interview, different topics related to water have been...