Diputación de Almería (DIPALME):

Diputación de Almería (www.dipalme.org) is a second degree public institution which in Spain is the Government and the autonomous administration of the province. It is responsible of the well-being of the 103 municipalities that make up the province of Almeria. It is located on the southeast of Spain and is part of Andalusia region. The main economic sectors of Almeria are: agriculture (especially intensive and ecological), tourism (www.turismoalmeria.com) and mining (marble).

As a public administration, it provides technical, human and financial support to all the municipalities of the province, cooperating with local entities, especially with those populations with less than 20,000 inhabitants, in order to ensure that all its residents enjoy the public services to which they are entitled to.

In Diputación de Almería there are around 1200 professionals who provide assistance to the province in a wide variety of issues such as employment, youth, gender equality, human resources, economy, institutional relations, relations with communities and supramunicipal entities, civil works, housing , local sustainable development, environment, social affairs, electronic administration, NICTs, innovation and new technologies, culture, sports, water and European Projects.

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